The Goal... to be an educational leader who collaborates with stakeholders to better personalize professional learning for your staff.
The Goal... to be a adult learner who continuously grows in an environment of professional learning that is designed to meet your needs and with your input.
Sound out of reach? It isn't- it is becoming a growing reality in Westerville City Schools. Inspired by their own professional learning, like Leadership in Blended Learning, the Future Ready Institute, and knowledge about how adult learners grow best professionally, WCS is gradually replacing leader-centered staff meetings and other professional learning opportunities with a more personalized, customized and individualized approach.
Teachers leading staff meetings by sharing practices that are working in their classrooms?
Teachers reflecting on what they need as a learner to improve instructional practice to benefit their students?
Building leaders reflecting on how to make learning opportunities more meaningful?
Building leadership teams working together to involve staff in how we can achieve these goals?
Yes- these things are all happening! We are making amazing strides toward personalization very quickly.
You may be asking yourself....How do we get started? What are the steps to move in this direction? How do we do this together, as a community of learners?
We would like to share this Future Ready Personalized Professional Learning Self-Assessment which defines elements of personalized professional learning that many of us are working toward. It's a tool to help grow our thinking and spur further conversations. If you have any questions about personalization of professional learning, contact your Ed Tech Team. We are supporting this work each and every day and can connect you with a growing group of educators who believe in the importance of this journey to personalize education- for everyone!
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