Tuesday, May 14, 2019

No More School, No More Books, but my Tech is Giving me Dirty Looks...

You've almost made it to the end of the year. You are taking down posters and cleaning up your room, but what about your tech? There are a number of housekeeping things you can do now so that your classroom tech isn't a mess when you return in the fall.

1. Clean up your Google Account:
- Does your inbox make you cringe? you can archive and label your mail so that it is organized, but not cluttering your inbox. Nothing is deleted in this process, but you can put it out of sight until it is needed later.

- Clean up your Drive:
Now is a great time to take a look at your files in Drive. Do you add files to the main screen every time you start a Google doc? Are there 47 Untitled Documents that are sitting with no text in them? Delete what you don't need, and create files for the rest that organize what you have in a simple way for you. You can even color code your files!
2. Take a look at Schoology: 
Your current courses in Schoology are archived each summer. You still have access to them, but will need to search for them in the archived courses area. Instead of digging through old classes, this is a great time to save the materials you want to your resources. You can create files and organize any assignments, etc. in your resources so they can be easily added to next years classes saving you work and time! To do this: 
1. find a folder, file, or other item in a Schoology course
2. Click the gear icon
3. choose "Save to Resources"
4. Click the Resources tab at the top of the page and your selected files will now be in your Resources. Clicking the gear here will allow you to "add to course", move files, and reorganize to better meet the needs of next year's students. 
5. Do you have a team you teach with? You can even create/share resources with the group by creating a Group within Schoology resources. 

3. I'm Leaving Now:
Are you leaving for a new job/ graduating/ retiring? You can take the contents of your Google account with you. Use Google Takeout. This program allows you to choose the areas of your account you want to take with you and export the data to another account. It is a great way to retain access to any important items you have, portfolios to show prospective employers, things to hang on the fridge, etc. 

Friday, May 10, 2019

Schoology Connect OH

Register for Schoology Connect OH!

Want to learn more about how teachers around central Ohio use Schoology in their classrooms? Come to Schoology Connect OH this summer! It's a local, free conference for anyone interested in learning more about how Schoology can be used in K-12 classrooms and schools. Want to use Schoology for gamification? Want to learn more about Schoology Media Albums? Want to dive into how Google and Schoology can compliment each other? What about digital math tests? Personalized learning? Digital Breakouts? All of these topics and more will be discussed, analyzed, presented, and played with. (plus, there is free food. Just sayin'...)


Who Should Attend?
Educators and administrators in Ohio or neighboring states who are currently using Schoology or who are considering adopting Schoology for their district or school.

When & Where
Thurs. June 20th, 2019 | 7:30am - 4:00pm ET

Berlin High School
3140 Berlin Station Road
Delaware, OH 43015

What to Expect

The event will kick off with an inspiring keynote focusing on advancing what's possible in education.

Breakout Sessions:
Hear from other Schoology users on a range of topics including ongoing professional learning, student-centered learning, assessment and feedback, leadership and administration, engaged communities, and what's new with Schoology's LMS and AMP.

Professional Development:
Learn from and ask questions to Schoology product experts and collaborate with other educators.

Session Titles
 Session Descriptions (more to come)