Thursday, May 11, 2017

Saving your Schoology Course for Next Year

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So, you've checked out all of the cool features of Schoology this year and got real excited when we posted about Google integration updates and testing question type changes that are planned for Schoology next year!

You've found the audio/video button and have had kids recording themselves responding to questions and each other!

You've embedded videos for kids to watch to learn or re-learn concepts at their own pace.

You've created modules for kids to complete collaboratively or individually and at a speed in which helps them understand the material.

You've used Schoology's self grading quizzes for quick, real time, formative assessments.

You've integrated Schoology's gradebook with PowerTeacher, meaning with the click of a button you've synced all of your grades for all of your classes.

You've been able to keep period attendance easily, and in the same spot you've got everything else.

You've added another specialist teacher to your class as an administrator so they can help plan, post material, and grade the work students have submitted.

You've individually assigned things to kids in order to catch them up, expand their already high level of understanding, or meet their interests.

You've aligned content standards to assignments, class discussions, and test questions so mastery level learning is recorded and posted in a visually appealing chart in order to help students focus on specific items they need to work on, rather than just averaging their grades.

You've sent the parent codes home so parents can see due dates for assignments, the assignment questions themselves, as well as the work their child has submitted.

You've added media albums so you can quickly take pictures of the learning taking place in your classroom and using the free mobile app, you've effortlessly added these pictures in a safe place where students and parents can see them.

You've been able to plan your lessons using the workload planning feature that tells you how much work is currently assigned to all of your students so that they aren't overwhelmed with everything coming due at once.

You've assigned things using the TurnItIn app, allowing that program to check for proper citations and plagiarized material.

You've used the Big Blue Button to set up a video conference with other classrooms in the district, classrooms across the country, or even to allow a student to interview someone with specific knowledge about what it is they are learning.

You've created digital badges for your kids as they reach milestones in your classroom.

You've felt good about all of the things you've accomplished this year, but the year is coming to an end.


Now is when you save all of your material from this course, so that next year you will spend your time tweaking what you've already created, instead of starting over.

Check out Schoology's article about

Now enjoy your summer, and get excited about what and who is in store for you next year!