Thursday, April 9, 2015

Read Write for Google Extension Added to District Accounts

Introducing Read and Write for Google
A new tool is now available on your Google account. It is called Read and Write for Google. This single tool has many instructional pieces that can be utilized in any setting - whole class, small group or one on one. This tool is available to EVERY teacher and student in the district through their Google Chrome login. This is a magnificent and powerful instructional tool to meet all of your students where they are at academically. This tool contributes to our district efforts in facilitating a UDL academic atmosphere, (Universal Design for Learning) - for all students. Equal tools, equal access and equal opportunities to be successful for all students.
Where can I use it?
This tool can be accessed on any device that is internet capable - either at home or at school. (This includes desktops, Chromebooks, and iPads. At this present time, the phone app is in beta and not fully implemented) However, the app can function on many tablets other than the iPad. This tool will be accessible as soon as anyone in the Westerville Google domain logs in, no downloading necessary! The first time they login, the student will be prompted to click "accept". Please have them do this, so that the program has permission to operate. For staff as well, the app should be there as soon as you log into Google Chrome. This tool will constantly run on the URL bar, as long as you are on your computer and logged in. In the event, there is an issue - you can use the link below to add it to your account, and/or notify your ETIS representative.

What tools does it have?
This tool will read anything on the web for the student, anything on the Google Drive, permit them to type on PDF'S,  and the tool will scribe for the student. It also has a fantastic option for vocabulary that will truly empower you and the student to differentiate! In addition to this, it has a dictionary, picture dictionary, translator tool, highlighter, fact finder, simplification tool and word prediction. The tool bar and options within it are very simple and intuitive. It will be excellent addressing reading and written expression challenges!
Opportunities to Learn More:
Please contact Jennifer Fry, David Hayward, Kim Niles or Lindy Whitson to schedule a training.
Need additional opportunities to learn about this tool?
Please contact Ms. Niles and/or Ms. Fry to schedule additional demonstrations and/or professional development.
Resources to use right now: To preview this tool and what it can do, click on the items below.
A power-point presentation developed by the ETIS team to breakdown quickly what the product is and does.
A video provided by the Read and Write for Google Rep -
Troubleshooting - In the event you log in and don't see the icon, notify an ETIS member and/or you can also use the steps below. 
App link to attach to your Google account:
Website with pictures and tutorial on how to use Read and Write for Google:
Site with the link for the iPad:
Please contact Mrs. Lindy Whitson Special Education Coordinator for any questions or additional information:
614-797-5940 (direct line), .